He wants Arsene Wenger to employ the use of a 3-4-2-1 formation since we do not have any left-back at our disposal. They are all injured so instead of managing an unnatural player in that position, he thinks making use of just three defenders won't be a bad idea. Find below what he had to say:
"Since we don't have a LB why don't we play 3 in the back with Kos, Per and Sagna? And play a 3-4-2-1; 3 CB's, 2 CDM's, 2 CAM's, 2 wingers (LM and RM) and one striker."
"We have nothing to lose and we'll be able to have Ox and Poldi as our wingers with Cazorla and Özil as our CAM and Giroud as our striker."
"What do you think? Should we risk it? It could make us attack with more power. And with 2 CDM's our defence shouldn't be weak either."
I respect his opinion but I will decline such an advice if I were to be in our manager's shoes. Why? Playing a formation you have rarely or never used might end up hunting you. Even if we are to experiment such it shouldn't be in a much needed tie or against a deadly team like Bayern Munich. I laughed when I saw another fan's reaction to the suggestion. He said he wouldn't even use such a primitive formation while playing FIFA.
Arsene knows how to manage situations whenever he is short of players. We got Vermaelen who can play at LB (though not his best position). Also Sagna can be used there while Jenkinson replaces him at RB.
Over to you fellow Gooners. What can you say on this topic? Do you agree with the fan? Let us know your mind by dropping your comments below. Please don't just read and leave. Your comments are of high importance. Cheers!!!
he should use Vermaelen instead... He can do it
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