Arsene Wenger's Reason for Arsenal's Numerous Injury Worries.

Arsene Wenger thinks the too frequent injuries being suffered by his players might be as a result of legal supplements which they take to enhance some aspects of their lifestyle without the knowledge of the club's medical staff.

Arsenal have lost so many of its stars to one injury or the other and this was one of the factors that led to their crash from the top of the table. From the beginning of the season to sometime around February, they were fighting seriously for the title not until some of their major players like Ozil, Walcott, Ramsey and the rest got injured. At the moment a Champions league spot for the coming season is what they are trying to secure.

The Frenchman last month ordered an investigation into the club's training methods and medical procedures to know if the injuries sustained by some of his players could had been avoided. Even though results of the research has not been finalized, Wenger still went on to give his opinion on the issue.

Wenger said: "Some of them [muscle injuries] are down to the medication that the players take that you don't even know about. Then you realise afterwards that they took this medication but that's not prudent."

He also stated that there are medications that could affect the liver and if the toxins do not go quickly out of the body the players become tired. When asked to give an instance on the kind of medication he was referring to, the 64-year old said:

"If you lose your hair and you've taken something to make your hair grow, it might not be good, especially for the rest of your body:"

"Medication always pushes a part of your body and is sometimes detrimental to other parts of your body.

"At the moment, we have not come to any conclusion … every case can be very different and you need to analyse very deeply why things happen. I'm surrounded by people who want to enhance their performances because they have another problem in their life and it's not always necessarily a good thing to do."

Meanwhile, medical practitioners at Arsenal do not agree there is a link between the supplements the players take and the injuries they sustain.

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