Team News: More Injury Worries As Arsenal Prepare for Champions League Opener.

Arsenal will begin their Champions League campaign for this season tomorrow away in Germany. Borussia Dortmund is the side the Gunners would take on.

The team is already out of London and have arrived their destination. Not all players made the trip. We have a couple of minor injuries as well as one which is so serious.

This morning we learnt that Nacho Monreal was unable to train with the rest of his teammates because of a back injury scare. It led to him not travelling. According to Arsene Wenger, it is nothing serious and the Spaniard is expected back by Friday.

Also, Calum Chambers is facing some fitness issues ahead of Tuesday night's game. He has a 50-50 chance at the moment but will be assessed hours before the game. Sanogo has a Hamstring problem so was left behind.

As we already know, Mathieu Debuchy strained his ankle against Manchester City and is expected to be out for nothing less than 2 months. As I speak no duration has been set as scan results are not yet available.

In Debuchy's absense, Calum Chambers and Hector Bellerin would act as cover in that position. Even Flamini is capable of playing at right back.

Apart from all the above mentioned, every other player from the weekend game is okay.

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