Mathieu Flamini Sends Out Apology to Arsenal Fans.

Mathieu Flamini

Arsenal performed poorly in the first half of their visit to Stoke and Mathieu Flamini says that they had no reasons to have played in such a lackluster manner.

Arsenal conceded so early into the game before going on to allow two more go past Martinez, making them trail with three goals at half time. They went on to score two in the second half before getting reduced to 10 men but ended up leaving empty-handed.

After such a disappointing display from the North-London side, Mathieu Flamini has apologised to the fans.

"[We can't defend like that], we have no excuses," he said. "We came here and wanted to come back with the three points, especially when we were coming back from a good run of games, but today we did not start the game well at all.

"We conceded a goal after [19] seconds and after that we had an opportunity to come back into the game but we couldn't score. We are very upset with ourselves and very sorry for our fans, who travelled here.

"It is a difficult day for us, the only positive thing today is the character we showed, because we didn't give up, we pushed it until the last minute. Unfortunately we didn't manage to get the draw."

 The French midfielder then commended Stoke for the efforts they put into the game and blamed Arsenal for conceding too early.

"It's not easy to come here and today Stoke played a great game, they have been very strong physically and they defended well," he said.

"Our mistake was to concede a goal stupidly and too early in the game, after it's difficult when you're 3-0 down. Like I said, the positive thing was that we didn't give up but once again we're really sorry to the fans who travelled here today."

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