Podolski Displays 'Show of Craze' at Sanchez's PFA Award Ceremony.

Podolski Shows Craze at Sanchez PFA Award Ceremony.
Alexis Sanchez was presented with his award as the PFA Fan Player of the Month (November) before the Arsenal game against Southampton kicked off last night and we saw Lukas Podolski show us his crazy side once again.

Sanchez signed for Arsenal from Barcelona for a fee of £32 million in the summer of 2014 . He has so far shown the world that the amount paid to secure his signing was not a waste as the Chilean has scored 14 goals in 22 games which includes his winner on the night he received the plague. His never-say-die spirit has been a blessing to the Gunners.

Podolski on the other hand is struggling to secure a place in Arsene Wenger's team. The German complained about his lack of games few weeks ago but it looks as if he is still happy to be at the club despite his current predicament. If he cannot play on the pitch, he can at least catch some fun off it.

As Sanchez was being given his award, Podolski went funny by photobombing his teammate in grand style. He leapt so high behind Alexis just to show his delight. One would wonder why he seems to be happier than the player who was receiving the award  This guy had on many occasions given us something to laugh about. Yesterday's case was not an exemption. Are you still wondering what's so funny about this? Well, the award ceremony was not planned to happen that way.so it was a big shocker to everyone who saw him display in such a funny way.

Mourinho is The Special One, Moyes The Chosen One. What then should we call Poldi? The Hilarious One I think. This guy won't stop amazing me. I love him for who he is.

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