Tensions Rise As Arsenal Star Makes Tricky Demand.

This guy was recalled from a loan spell at Charlton at a time when some first team players in his position were on the sidelines. He was deployed in defensive midfield in some matches and his performance in such games made Arsenal consider handing him a new contract.

Arsene Wenger revealed last week that the club was planning to offer an improved contract to Francis Coquelin. It was believed that the French midfielder will readily accept that but those who thought so have been proved wrong. Why?

Coquelin has stated that he will not sign or else if given an assurance of regular playtime on the long run. This demand would have been prompted by the fact that he has been at the club for six years without making a breakthrough. For him to sign, he wants to be assured that he will continue playing even when Wilshere, Flamini and Arteta all return. Reports that Arsenal want to sign another defensive midfielder has also given Coquelin something to worry about.

Maybe Wenger will be able to assure him of such is one question on my mind. Sure! He has proven he can do more than what Mathieu Flamini and Mikel Arteta can do but I do not see our manager dropping these two for Coquelin even though the duo have not been at their best for a while. Wenger is known not to drop players who are not doing good. He keeps having faith in them and that is one reason why I think Coquelin won't get that assurance.

Coquelin wants to snub other European clubs just to stay at Arsenal. This will only happen if his demand is granted. It's a big money contract he was offered but he failed to put pen to paper. This means that we will lose him by May if he does not get what he craves for.

As for me, I do not see what's wrong with Coquelin's request. Afterall he is doing well and such a talent should not be left to waste away. Playing regularly does not mean he must play in every game so why not listen to him?

Someone said that it was too early for us to start branding Coquelin 'our saviour'. He believes five games are not enough to judge him and as such doesn't think that demand should be granted. Over to you readers... What's your comment on this issue?

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