Aaron Ramsey Striving To Push Santi Cazorla Out of His Place.

Aaron Ramsey has made it known to Arsene Wenger that he is not comfortable playing on the flanks and would like to always play at his best position which is central midfield.

The Welshman was given back his place against Sunderland in Wednesday's 0-0 draw. He disclosed that he had a discussion with the manager after getting highly frustrated with his new role.

According to the 24-year-old, he was only trying to help the team when he played on the flanks and it was the manager who wanted him to play there as there was currently no space for him to occupy in midfield.

He said: “I’m not hiding away from it, I want to be playing in the middle. I’ve had chats with the manager about it. I showed at Manchester United what I’m capable of doing when I go into the middle of the park.

“But the manager said he wants me do a job out there for the moment and obviously I’ll do that for him. But I prefer to play in the middle.

"We have wingers on the bench, but he’s still picking me out wide.

“Santi Cazorla is the one in my position. He’s the one who plays alongside Francis Coquelin and tries to get forward. I am trying to get that back.

“I like to get the ball and drive the team forward. I’m not a No10, playing with my back to goal. I’ll try to play between the lines now and again if the game demands that and we’re pressing quite high. That can be a dangerous position to take up.

“But I like to start from a defensive position and drive the team forward with little one-twos around players. That’s where I prefer to play.”

Ramsey also praised Wenger, saying that the Frenchman listens to everyone's opinion even when he has his reasons for making a decision. He does not shun players for making their views known and it was not a different case when the Barcelona-linked man approached the 65-year-old to make a complaint.

“The manager respects ­everyone’s opinion,” said Ramsey. “His door is always open, which is a good thing. He’ll have his reasons but will also respect your reasons and value your opinions.

“It’s harder to get involved in the game when you’re on the wing, which is why I don’t really enjoy playing there. I’m used to getting the ball a lot more in the middle of the park.

“I like to be involved in ­everything, in starting attacks. I’m relying on other people to get me into the game. It is a bit frustrating. I am having an impact on the game but I prefer to be much more involved.”

Ramsey has been influential in the Arsenal team this season and the Wales international admitted that the atmosphere at the club is a positive one as they are aiming to mount a serious challenge for trophies next season.

He said: “Our form has been fantastic since Christmas, and ­hopefully we can take that into next season.

“The last couple of seasons have either started off really well, or finished really well. We couldn’t quite put the two together, hopefully we can do that next season. It’s just about being more consistent throughout the season. We know we can match anyone on our day – it’s just about doing that every week.

“It’s a massive few days in front of us. We’re looking to secure third place. Obviously we’ll go into the last game wanting to finish on a high before the FA Cup Final, hopefully then we can go on to retain that.

“And then, obviously, it’s a massive game with Wales against Belgium [on June 12]. It’s at home, in front of a sell-out crowd.­ Everybody is enjoying themselves, playing for Wales.

"We’re top of the group, and why not get a result against them?”

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