Arsene Wenger Warns His Players Against Poor Home Record.

Arsene Wenger has implored his players to show that they can always make the best out of their home fixtures by beating Liverpool on Monday night.

Arsenal started the present Premier League campaign with a home game which they lost to Westham United 2-0. They made a turnaround the following week when they visited Crystal Palace.

Ahead of the big game with Bredan Rodgers' side at the Emirates Stadium early next week, the boss has pleaded with his side to secure a win as he believes a club's home performance does go a long way in defining its season.

“If you want to have a successful season you want to be strong at home,” Wenger said. “Normally we are strong at home. This is an opportunity to show that.

“We missed our first game and we had to look at ourselves, and we responded very well. Now we need to come back to our usual strength that we have at home.

“Your confidence is linked with your last result and at Crystal Palace we responded well. You could see that we were a bit edgy at times but we responded in a very strong way. From that we should have enough confidence to go into the game positively against Liverpool.

“This is a very important game where the result will of course be vital. It’s not a result that will decide [our title chances] but in our heads we know it’s very important.”

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