Aubameyang: What Lacazette Told me During Man United Game

Auba-Laca patnership

Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang extended the lead for Arsenal when they faced Manchester United on Sunday evening.

Granit Xhaka had scored earlier in the first half before the Gunners earned a penalty when Alexandre Lacazette was hauled down in the box.

Having lost a spot kick that would have given his side all three points against Tottenham the previous week, it was quite scary to see Auba step forward to take another. He scored this time though.

The Gabonese international in an interview with Metro talked about his fine relationship with Laca while also revealing what transpired between them during the 2-0 win over Ole Gunnar Solksjaer's men.

“This friendship is really really strong", the club's current highest goalscorer for the season said.

“Straight after he fell down, he looked for me and said: ‘You shoot. You have to be focused and you shoot’.

“It’s a great partnership and, of course, the coach decides who plays and whether we play together or not.

“And we have to accept that, that’s normal. But I think we are both really focused on playing for the team and giving our best.

“We don’t care about who is shooting the penalty, the most important thing is to score.

“After Laca got the penalty and looked at me, I felt good and I was ready to score because we are having a good period with the team and everybody said that I would score again.

“I watched the penalty I missed a lot. I knew that I made a mistake when I shot last week. But in life you have to always look forward and I had to be focused. That’s what I was against United.”

The usual thing is to see strikers in a team maintain rivalry. In most cases, when striker A is with the ball, he would prefer to shoot at goal rather than pass to striker B who has a better chance of scoring.

It is an entirely different tale in the case of Aubameyang and Lacazette. The duo has been very good friends since the former arrived last year.

The bond is so strong to the point that one goes to celebrate with the other on the bench when he scores. This is a good one for the team.

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