Arsenal Legend Reveals Who Should Have Been Sold In Place of Ramsey

martin keown critocizes ramsey sale

Questions have come from different quarters regarding the move by Arsenal to do away with Aaron Ramsey at the end of the season.

Martin Keown has joined the bandwagon as he feels the Gunners got it wrong by agreeing to gift the Wales international to Juventus.

The 28-year-old was in talks over the possibility of an improved contract at the Emirates last year but what transpired to make his employers withdraw the offer after lengthy negotiation is still unclear.

The situation was seen as a good chance by the Serie A giant who pounced in January to strike a pre-contract agreement that will see him earn £400 000-a-week.

The reality of Ramsey seizing to be an Arsenal player has been a pain for many supporters owing to the fact that he keeps getting better as the games go by.

He has been there to save his side at various times including in last night's Europa League encounter with Napoli.

Keown has declared that it is quite unfortunate to see such a gem go while also refusing to put the blame on the ex Cardiff midfielder for what has played out.

He then went on to state that Mesut Ozil should have been the one to get such treatment if there should be anyone to get axed.

"He's at his peak and he's leaving to go to another football club," the Arsenal legend told BT Sport.

"I think he's been harshly treated. I know there's been the Ozil situation and if I was picking between Ozil and Ramsey, it'd have to be Ramsey."

"It's a sad situation. He's a victim of circumstances. He's continued to mature as a player and develop.

"He's a real leader in this Arsenal team. Playing in a deeper role, as he did under Arsene Wenger, I think that's the best role for him if you want him and Ozil in the same team.

"He's so important to everything they do. It's the energy and the quality at the end of it. He really has become an outstanding technician."

The departure of Ramsey will put an end to an 11-year reign which began after his £4.8 million purchase in June 2008.

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